
  • The drowning hippie.

    So this is why hippies don’t bathe… >

  • Praying in church or a casino.

    Well there is money at stake. >

  • How hot is it?

    It can’t be hotter than July. >

  • Steve just got a job at the beverage factory…

    A pop joke with some pop art! >

  • If life gives you melons…

    A fruit by any other name would taste as sweet. >

  • News from the doctor.

    Why you should always remember to keep your cellphone on you. >

  • A carrot at the door.

    Who knew vegetables could be so personable? >

  • Nosey Peppers.

    I had a neighbor like this. >

  • LEGO men at the hospital.

    Can you pay with plastic? >

  • Mermaid shells.

    Q: Why did the mermaid wear sea shells? A: Because the B shells were too small and the D shells were too big.   Graphic: Mermaid by Clara Ameida Joke: Jet Blue Landing via UT >

  • Better make it a double.

    Double vision got the best of me. >

  • The door-to-door snail…

    Wikipedia isn’t good for business. >

  • Pork chops and pea soup…

    What about apple sauce? >

  • Two men are walking their dogs…

    I can see where this one is going. >

  • Lonely bananas…

    Don’t slip up. >

  • A baseball and a maggot…

    Happy Father’s Day! >

  • Joker’s candy…

    Butterfingers? >

  • The Cajun jigsaw puzzle…

    [Best told with a Cajun accent.] One day Pierre went to Boudreaux’s house and Boudreaux was working on a jigsaw puzzle. A year later, Pierre again visits Boudreaux and Boudreaux is still working on the puzzle. Another year after that, Pierre went to Boudreaux’s to go fishing with him. Boudreaux comes out of the house… >

  • Telescope with a bad leg…

    Two out of three ain’t bad. >

  • Dog nap….

    Let sleeping dogs lie. >

  • Jack’s jokes on aliens and planets…

    Buy me some peanuts. >

  • The pirate’s eye patch…

    A sailor and pirate were trading stories. >

  • 10 types of people…

    Ones and zeroes. >

  • Award winning scarecrow…

    If I only had a brain. >

  • A salty joke…

    Susie: Have you heard any sodium jokes lately? Buddy: Na.   Graphic: Salt Art by Motoi Yamamoto Chemistry Joke: mcc >

  • Poison ivy and luck…

    Payback for working in the yard. >

  • Pirate ears…

    All steamed. >

  • Favorite fruit…

    Tootie fruity? >

  • Gingerbread boys…

    Make up your bed. >

  • Mushroom party…

    Something about a toad? >

  • Teddy bear dessert…

    Please help prevent forrest fires. >

  • Why was the computer late…

    Time zone issue? >

  • Got any I.D.?

    Near Jesup. >

  • The minister and the bear…

    A minister was walking in the woods when a bear jumped on him, laying him flat on his back. The minister pleaded, “Dear Lord please make this bear a christian.” The bear miraculously stepped back, dropped to his knees, bowed his head, and said, “O Lord, we thank you for the gifts of your bounty… >

  • Why did the policeman arrest the baseball player? (4 Yogurt Sticks!)

    (They are washed.) >

  • Did you hear about the fire at the circus?

    Did the clowns do it? >