
  • Bambi and the ghost.

    Two groans. >

  • Cow’s day off.

    Use your PTO (planned time off.) >

  • If you had one dollar…

    Father knows best. >

  • A noise in the engine.

    Recycle. >

  • Why was the skeleton afraid…

    Was it a chicken skeleton? >

  • Voting added to!

    Vote early. Vote often. >

  • Graveyard shift.

    Spell chequer, part 2. >

  • I want a tooth pulled.

    Haste makes waste. >

  • Weekend with grandpa.

    Never a dull moment. >

  • If it ain’t broke…

    One thing leads to another. >

  • Robbers in sacks.

    You can run but you can’t hide. >

  • The Senator and Saint Peter.

    What floor? >

  • Dracula and his doctor

    The truth is up there. >

  • Country music backwards.

    Never lost the gun. >

  • Talking Dog For Sale.

    I’d pay more. >

  • A werewolf’s favorite day…

    At least someone likes them >

  • Money called dough.

    Cook kneads a raise. >

  • Möbius chicken.

    A “twist” on an old joke. >

  • Apologetic pony.

    One word: Lozenge. >

  • The parrot appears stiff and lifeless.

    I hope this isn’t that pit bull’s friend, Polly. >

  • Baby corn.

    (Very corny joke.) >

  • So this skeleton walks into a bar…

    Swab the deck. >

  • The burglar and Jesus.

    Say your prayers. >

  • Frog parking.

    Mr. Froggy went to court… >

  • The aching tooth

    Put your money where your mouth is. >

  • U2 still hasn’t found….

    I still haven’t found what I’m looking for………because I use Bing. >

  • Why was everyone worried?

    work on your “bucket” list >

  • Where’s your homework?

    Peanut butter works, too. >

  • Mark 17

    Don’t read ahead. >

  • Freddy’s lost hand.

    Stick a fork in it. >

  • Why are chefs so mean?

    Two really good reasons not to make a chef angry: they are in control of what goes in your food and they work with knives. >

  • What did the zero say…

    Is this an 80’s joke? >

  • What did one ocean say?

    i sea. >

  • What did the Lone Ranger say?

    Giddyup or giddydown? >

  • A guy walks into a bar with a newt…

    Primarily, he had a problem. >

  • A mother was preparing pancakes…

    Do the math. >

  • The blind deer.

    Seeing double. >

  • A conservative, a moderate, and a liberal…

    It’s a three-fer. >

  • Two scoops of chocolate ice cream.

    Take a STRAW poll. >

  • Bad fish day.

    TGIF >

  • American shark.

    (Take it easy.) >

  • A man bought a donkey…

    An advantage to C.O.D. >

  • Teacher’s eyes.

    (All the boys think she’s a spy.) >

  • Football recruits.

    A football coach was asked his secret of evaluating new recruits. “Well,” he said, “I take ’em out in the woods and make ’em run. The ones that run round the trees, I make into running backs. The ones that run straight into the trees, I turn into linemen.”   Graphic: Boy on His Skateboard,… >

  • Night baseball.

    (Only Honus was a shortstop.) >

  • School fruit.

    Hint: It’s about time. >

  • Heaven and Health.

    Heaven can wait. >

  • First driving lesson.

    Get a grip. >

  • Bicycle tires

    Got flat feet. >

  • Airplane crash in Elbonia.

    (Shovel ready.) >

  • Present Perfect Tense Soup

    To bean or not to bean? >

  • Greener Grass

    …a football tip >

  • Three doors and no way out.

    Knock knock x 3 >

  • Dog Tired.

    Let sleeping dogs lie… >

  • Darth Trunk?

    There’s an elephant in our logo. >

  • A surgeon, an architect, and a politician.

    Let there be light! >

  • Snowman dance.

    With Snowwomen? >

  • Build an ark.

    “What’s an ark?” >

  • Poker hands.

    Don’t bluff. >

  • Crabby service.

    What about broccoli? >

  • Cowboy adoption.

    Hot diggity dog. >

  • A banker got his fancy car stuck….

    Opposite of a speed trap. >

  • Beethoven’s Fifth Fruit

    Hint: His 9th is a blueberry. >

  • A grasshopper walks into a bar…

    It’s not easy being green. >

  • | Beautiful Bugs Checks

    For our Georgia Tech friends. >

  • Toothless grizz.

    Bumbles bounce! >

  • What do you call a rabbit…

    What’s up, doc? >

  • How many psychiatrists…

    One flew east, one flew west… >

  • The principal’s first day of school.

    (Wanna buy some pencils?) >

  • A tree in your hand.

    Is worth a bird in the bush. >

  • Morty and Saul on a lake.

    Sink or swim? >

  • Dive to the bottom.

    A land down under. >

  • Door not.

    Knock Knock x 500 >

  • Murphy and Paddy shop London.

    (Note: Grin is Irish.) >

  • Communicate with a fish.

    Fish talk. >

  • Punctuate the words correctly.

    $%!@#$* >

  • A German competitor was lost…

    Try pig latin. >

  • A Scotsman, an Englishman, and an Irishman at the Olympics.

    Metalists, three. >

  • The Olympic pole vaulter.

    You’re velcome. >

  • Mermaid math.

    Triangles? >

  • Calendar thief.

    Stolen time? >

  • | Put money in my account!

    Another check joke! >

  • A neutron walked into a bar…

    Popular joke in Switzerland. >

  • An angry bird walked into a bar…

    Tweet @#$# Tweet! >

  • Fashion trees.

    Vintage. >

  • Figs.

    Newtons? >

  • Dentist Time.

    A.M. or P.M.? >

  • Camper on Tip Toes.

    Shhhh….. >

  • Beware of dog!

    Why you wanna trip on me? >

  • Running the bases.

    A short story. >

  • Dophin tale.

    Sounds fishy. >

  • Famous shark.

    Spielberg paid him royalties? >

  • Birthday cake burn.

    Call 911. >

  • First bank account.

    Don’t let ’em fee you, kid. >

  • Bugged firemen.

    Bugs me, too. >

  • The talking leg.

    Had to figure out the pig. >

  • The factory of the future.

    Looking for a robot tree. >

  • News cat.

    What “type” of cat is that? >

  • Dancing burgers and dogs.

    Put on your dancing shoes. >

  • The shipwrecked diver.

    He was color coordinated. >