
  • Attendance Problem?

    Is this truancy? >

  • Little Johnny was baking a cake…

    … and then he ran away. >

  • How do you catch a rare rabbit?

    Rare, as in uncommon, not undercooked. >

  • How many cops does it take…

    Counting… >

  • A blind man walked into a shop…

    Tall tail. >

  • Are there any golf courses in heaven?

    I have some good news and some bad news… >

  • What did the digital clock say…

    Do the math? No… >

  • A motorcycle mechanic was removing a cylinder-head…

    Have a heart. >

  • The church drummer died and went to heaven…

    Rum pum pum pum >

  • We share everything.

    Have it your way. >

  • Comma Cat

    Meow, meow >

  • A pirate with a wheel.

    Shiver me timbers. >

  • Declaration of Independence.

    God Bless America etc. >

  • Sherlock Holmes went camping…

    They had turned in for the night… >

  • Debates.

    “Tweeting is how we talk!” – B.B. >

  • A snail crime…

    No one was spotted fleeing the scene of the crime. >

  • Looking Chicken

    Lettuce entertain you. >

  • Cannibals and clowns…

    Fine Young Cannibals >

  • Where does a penguin keep his money?

    You know… his cold cash. >

  • Lazy Kangaroo

    Low hopper? >

  • Geronimo!

    Help? >

  • Amish Water Ski

    That sinking feeling. >

  • Jeb Testing New Email System

    Can you click on this email test? Using a new system. Thanks! >

  • Who should brew the coffee?

    What about the donuts? >

  • Karate pig.

    Oink. >

  • The Quiet Bathroom

    Who’s in the loo? >

  • Big Fan

    Wind instruments. >

  • Chess Boasters

    Disperse! >

  • Fish Weight

    In or out of water? >

  • I can explain…

    Cuff ’em Dano. >

  • A string walked into a bar….

    “And his coat is torn and frayed” >

  • A hydrogen atom walks into a bar…

    Please, no negative comments. >

  • The classical pianist.

    Spell chequer. >

  • Ice Fishing

    Gonna need a Zamboni. >

  • Take only one…

    An apple a day. >

  • A pirate walks into a bar wearing…

    … and ordered some dirty rum. >

  • As an older gentleman was driving down the interstate…

    his cell phone rang… >

  • Six Peach Slices

    No matter how you slice it. >

  • New Digital Band

    Almost famous. >

  • Two Math Books

    Answers in the back. >

  • The doctor said, I’ve got to stop texting…

    Send lawyers, guns, and blackberries. >

  • The Dalai Lama and pizza…

    Had to read it twice. >

  • A little hip shimmy…

    Inspired by David Bowie. >

  • Cats and poker in the jungle…

    Pick a card, any card. >

  • Adele’s Road

    Ola? >

  • Clams and Crabs

    Clams don’t float. >

  • Week Days

    So they are not weakends. >

  • A mother mouse and a baby mouse are walking…

    suddenly a cat attacks >

  • The nose.

    Ain’t got nobody. >

  • A frog walks into a bank…

    It’s time for a holiday. >

  • A linguist professor was lecturing…

    No. No. >

  • Conjugate the verb ‘to go’…

    I go, you go, she goes…. >

  • A lonely female crab was walking down the beach…

    Shot just prior to iPhone being dropped in water. >

  • Who should Florence and the Machine call…

    … when they break down? >

  • A duck walks into a drug store…

    quack quack quack >

  • A night out with the horse.

    You can lead a horse to water… >

  • Tomato Walkers

    Fancy. >

  • Three Bikers

    Just deserts. >

  • Atoms

    Connect the dots. >

  • A giraffe walks into a bar…

    … talk about high prices… >

  • Four Surgeons

    What’s inside matters. >

  • A bear walks into a bar…

    Just thinkin’. >

  • A goat walks into a bar…

    Because Mom would not approve. >

  • Our car was vandalized…

    Double your money. >

  • Mack, Winnie, and Attila.

    When the shark bites. >

  • | Preferred by 9 out of 10 Grandmas.

    Thank you Grandma! >

  • Level Stage

    The beat goes on. >

  • Broken Pencil

    Writer’s Block >

  • Scottish Phone

    It’s a wee wee thin. >

  • The Princess and the Frog

    Riddip. (Burp.) >

  • On the way to Wembley

    She has a ticket to ride. >

  • Mine Shaft Blues

    Talk about a lower register! >

  • Jack O’ Math

    Caution: Geometry ahead! >

  • The Bottomless Hole

    Wait for it… >

  • Getting Ready to Migrate

    One flew east, one flew west… >

  • Food Face

    Mr. Potato Head? >

  • Elder Brown’s Peanut Jar

    Take one. >

  • The Sex of Flies

    How can you tell? >

  • Burger and Dog

    Food discrimination. >

  • Waldo’s Stripes

    Where’s Wally? >

  • Lumberjack politics

    One-sided joke. >

  • The honest man.

    When honesty is not the best policy. >

  • Three-Legged Dog

    … walked into a saloon… >

  • Charles Dickens walked into a bar…

    Please sir, may I have some more? >

  • The Credit Card Thief

    Not So Much >

  • The Green Sitter

    and in this corner… >

  • Kiss the frog.

    Missy froggy went a courtin’ >

  • Two Flies On The Wall

    A real knee swatter. >

  • The Can Crusher

    Can you find Santa? >

  • Penguin wash

    A sharp dressed penguin. >

  • Batman and Robin Fishing

    Where does he get all those wonderful toys? — The Joker >

  • Well dressed alligator.

    Croca-stylin’ >

  • Little nephew ant.

    Cry uncle. >

  • Turkey arrest.

    2 Strikes 1 Fowl >

  • The stalking coffin.

    (Hopefully you are ready for this.) >

  • Liver and cheese.

    Hello boys…. >

  • A gift for teacher.

    Don’t judge a gift by the box. >

  • Spider comm.

    Spidey sense. >

  • The sand smuggler.

    Beach exporting? >

  • Hippo run around.

    Heard this while jogging. True. >