Money called dough.
Cook kneads a raise.
Möbius chicken.
A “twist” on an old joke.
Apologetic pony.
One word: Lozenge.
The parrot appears stiff and lifeless.
I hope this isn’t that pit bull’s friend, Polly.
Baby corn.
(Very corny joke.)
The burglar and Jesus.
Say your prayers.
Frog parking.
Mr. Froggy went to court…
The aching tooth
Put your money where your mouth is.
U2 still hasn’t found….
I still haven’t found what I’m looking for………because I use Bing.
Why was everyone worried?
work on your “bucket” list
Where’s your homework?
Peanut butter works, too.
Mark 17
Don’t read ahead.
Freddy’s lost hand.
Stick a fork in it.
Why are chefs so mean?
Two really good reasons not to make a chef angry: they are in control of what goes in your food…
What did the zero say…
Is this an 80’s joke?
What did one ocean say?
i sea.
What did the Lone Ranger say?
Giddyup or giddydown?
A mother was preparing pancakes…
Do the math.
The blind deer.
Seeing double.
Two scoops of chocolate ice cream.
Take a STRAW poll.
Bad fish day.
American shark.
(Take it easy.)