Level Stage
The beat goes on.
Broken Pencil
Writer’s Block
Scottish Phone
It’s a wee wee thin.
The Princess and the Frog
Riddip. (Burp.)
On the way to Wembley
She has a ticket to ride.
Mine Shaft Blues
Talk about a lower register!
Jack O’ Math
Caution: Geometry ahead!
The Bottomless Hole
Wait for it…
Getting Ready to Migrate
One flew east, one flew west…
Food Face
Mr. Potato Head?
Elder Brown’s Peanut Jar
Take one.
The Sex of Flies
How can you tell?
Waldo’s Stripes
Where’s Wally?
Lumberjack politics
One-sided joke.
The honest man.
When honesty is not the best policy.
Charles Dickens walked into a bar…
Please sir, may I have some more?
The Credit Card Thief
Not So Much
The Green Sitter
and in this corner…
Kiss the frog.
Missy froggy went a courtin’
Two Flies On The Wall
A real knee swatter.
The Can Crusher
Can you find Santa?
Penguin wash
A sharp dressed penguin.
Batman and Robin Fishing
Where does he get all those wonderful toys? — The Joker